Every year the Indonesian community represented by Tong tong foundation holds an event called Pasar Malam Besar. This year it was for 12 days from 21st May – 1st June 2008. It’s a really nice place to be especially when you miss your hometown. You can find anything here; traditional music and dance performance, theater, cooking show, photo exhibitions even some government department such as the tourism had a stand to promote Visit Indonesia 2008. We can also find basic bazaar staple; textiel, handycraft, food, souvenirs, books...they all came all the way from Indonesia. So prepare to bring huge stacks of euro 😉
As for us, we got some stuff that I bought there, ok some is not the word as they are; durian, kelapa muda, spekkoek, sate kambing and sate ayam, martabak asin, batik top, batik shirt, kebaya, kripik paru (which Peter finds weird 😛 ), a small indonesian flag sticker saying ‘indonesia’, tabloid saji (so surprise that I could find it there) and the last on the way out after digging in really deep in our wallet a small bird eye chili tree 😀
Here are some of my findings, enjoy and I will definitely come again next year.Banana tree at the entrance hall.
Yummy pisang goreng…hmmm heel erg lekker.
One of the food stall, look at the Balinese Barong on the ceiling.
The central stage where you can watch music and dance performance.
Jajanan pasar yang menggugah selera.
Kucing-kucing from Bali 🙂
Sate kambing at one of the stall. Enough to satisfy my craving.
Piles of kelapa muda…hmm enjoy this while closing your eyes and imagine that you are sitting by the beach in Bali.
Peter took a pose with the ondel-ondel and the 5 euro Bali shirt that he just bought.
Stacks of pretty colorful boxes. In Bali, Balinese use these boxes to carry their offering to the temple.
Beautiful wayang golek.