
Kerang Saos Padang

Still in the mood for seafood and also now it’s clam shell season here. Not quite the same like the kind of clam shell that we have in Indonesia but taste-wise it’s just the same.

This is typical seafood eatery dish whether you are in Jimbaran, Bali or in Muara Karang, Jakarta.

Kerang Saos Padang (Clam Shell in Padang Sauce)

for 4-5 persons

– 500 gr clam shells (only the flesh and already boiled)
– 3 shallots, sliced
– 3 garlic, sliced
– 2 red chili pepper, sliced
– 2 bird’s eye chili pepper, sliced
– 2 tbs tomato ketchup
– 2 tbs oyster sauce
– 2 tbs chili sauce (saus sambal botol)
– 1/2 tsp salt
– 1/2 tsp sugar
– 1/2 tsp pepper
– 2 cm ginger
– 100 ml water
– little bit of oil for frying


– Heat oil in a wok and add garlic, shallots, red chili, bird’s eye chili until fragrant.
– Add clam shell, and the rest of other ingredients.
– Stir now and then for a minute or two (it won’t be long because the clam shell is already boiled)
– Serve warm with hot rice.

6 comments to Kerang Saos Padang

  • Judith

    Misalnya … bumbu sama tapi diganti seafood lainnya bisa nggak Rie? aku nggak doyan kerang ..Thanks Rurie, semangat yaa ..

  • Rurie

    Bisa banget lah mb. Judith, kan banyak tuh kepiting saos padang ato udang saos padang 🙂mb. Judith juga tetep semangat ya!

  • sefa firdaus

    Rie…. aku juga suka, tapi lebih suka udang atau kepiting saus Padang, apalagi kalo warnanya merah merona :))

  • Rurie

    nah itu dy permasalahannya, ga ada saos merah merona…hehehe

  • deeTha

    ben merah merona, pakein lipstik æ, Rie… hehehe kroketku ws tak goyeng wingi.. enak.. tp aku maeme kr sambel botol ekstra pedasss… suk2 arep gw meneh ah… ws tak aku drg bli pulsa. jd rg tak pajang..hehe

  • Rurie

    Deeth, nggawe lipstik, lah iki panganan opo model??Bagi donk kroketnya…u penerjemah hihihi 😀

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