1. Deciding what to cook.
2. When decided then thinking whether I have the recipe or not.
3. Calling my mother in Indonesia for the recipe (calling cost money).
4. Modifying the recipe to what is available in the place where I live.
5. Shopping for the ingredients (if I want to make authentic Indonesian food I have to prepare extra cost since I live abroad and prices of authentic Indonesian ingredients are not that cheap).
6. Preparation of cooking.
7. Cooking; while food is being cooked I would think about how I wanted the picture to look like, what composition is nice etc.
8. Pre photo session; trying to find where the good light source is, drag the table top to where the light source, taking out the photo properties ie; plates, flower, placemats (the properties also don’t come for free) and arrange the setting.
9. Photo shoot (with camera which I know is not cheap) which usually ended with lots of pictures but only 1 or 2 are presentable.
10. Cleaning up the mess I made, washing up.
11. Photo editing (I’m not really good at this part so this could easily take some time).
12. Photo uploading to Flickr (which is btw not for free).
13. Translating recipe into English.
14. Typing recipe and post.
All of those steps are not instantly done in a minute and then you get a photo and a recipe. They cost time, energy and money. We produce every post with lots of thought, love and passion for food and food photography. Which later we share the result in our food blog. But that doesn’t mean anyone can just grab it anytime they please without saying anything esp. not for commercial purposes.
Maybe I do sound harsh and cynical, but I do feel the anger of my fellow foodie blogger who got rob by some so-called book publisher in Indonesia; Cam Boga and Pustaka Anggrek. The publisher deliberately took their pictures (and some also with the recipe) without permission and publish it in a commercial recipe book. For more info about the issue please do click Budi Sutomo, SLF MP, Vivi Liong, Arfi Binsted.
And please do not buy copy paste book!!!!!
For 4-5 persons
– 500gr chicken pieces
– 3 salam leaves
– 2 lemongrass bruised
– 200 ml thick coconut milk
– 1/2 tsp tamarind dissolve in a little water
– Water
For the spice paste:
– 3 red chili (less or more depending on your taste buds)
– 3 bird’s eye chili (less or more depending on your taste buds)
– 6 shallots
– 3 garlic
– 4 candlenuts (I used 3 tsp instant candlenut in jar)
– 2 cm ginger
– 1/2 tsp tamarind
– 1/2 tsp palm sugar
– 1 tsp salt
– Rub chicken pieces with tamarind water and set asi
de for 10-15 minutes then rinse.
– Pound all the spice paste ingredients until smooth.
– Heat a little bit of oil in a pan, when it’s hot fry spice paste, salam leaves and lemongrass. Continue stirring until fragrant.
– Add chicken, stir until chicken turns color.
– Add coconut milk and some water just enough so the chicken sink, lower the fire and continue cooking until the sauce has thicken and chicken is done.
– Grilled chicken in a grill (or alternatively you could do it in an oven), brush now and then with the remaining sauce. Grill until both sides are nicely brown.
– Serve with steaming white rice, remaining sauce and raw vegetable; cucumber, sweet basil, cabbage (optional).
And yes my pictures are not that good but they are mine so from now on I also put my watermark in the middle and not in the bottom anymore.
Source of recipe: My mother
I like this statement Rurie.
You have to protect your creativity from those copyright bastards.
I am proud of you..it is a really nice and cute blog ever.
Good Rurie..
You have to protect your creativities from those copyright bastards..
It is a very cute blog ever…